We haven't blogged in a long time - not for lack of fun experiences, but rather life got in the way. After a lengthy illness, Grandma went to that "Big Polka Party" in the sky and is probably gorging daily on pierogies, kielbasi, bigos, and golabli.
There are no calories in Heaven.
Mom still misses those monthly sojourns to Northern California to visit her. She had become quite the expert in airline travel.
We love and will never forget you, Grandma !
You are always in our hearts.
Mom's eyes are finally functioning (a long story) and she was glad that she had saved her blogger drafts while she was able to see.
Ollie and I are getting on in years. I'll be 11 years young on December 24. 2016 and he'll be 8 years on November 1, 2016.
We still prance, run and play with the energy of young dogs,
but we display the grace and manners of maturity (???).

Here's our beginning story after 3+ years . . .
Ollie and I were finally settled in Mission Viejo, California
(May 28, 2013) and we had gotten bored with just hanging around the house, going to the dog park and the beach.
Ollie decided to open his own restaurant. Since his finances left a lot to be desired, he had to get a partner. I repeatedly told him not to spend so much money on snacks, treats and toys,
but he turned a deaf ear.
but he turned a deaf ear.
Being financially savvy, I've accumulated a great deal of wealth over the years and thought I would be the natural one
to partner with him.
to partner with him.
So much for family loyalty. In Ladera Ranch, California, he teamed up with another canine named Jax and they opened . . .
Not to be outdone, I opened my own restaurant in Newport Beach and I naturally called it "Cappy's Cafe".
It's a fun and very laid-back place and caters
mainly to the beach crowd.
Everyone flirts with me - consciously or unconsciously.
That's to be expected. I have a good rapport with everyone.
Everyone flirts with me - consciously or unconsciously.
That's to be expected. I have a good rapport with everyone.
Mom wanted to apply for several positions at both eating establishments. Head Chef? A resounding NO !!! from both of us. She would need her own eatery named "Microwave Marcy's". Waitress was not a possibility. She would be sampling food from each diner's plate after she had served them. Hostess was vetoed also. Mom would be more than willing to accept bribes from patrons for a choice table.
Sad to say, Ollie and Jax had to close the restaurant. Between the two owner/managers, all the profits had been gobbled up. Not surprising, Jax is a big boy and his appetite rivaled Ollie's.
Their restaurant went into foreclosure and a new restaurant opened with a different name:
Always the optimist, Ollie found another line of work in which he (had)
excelled. He was fortunate to find a position as a consultant with Jacuzzi in-ground spas. He is pictured here with his supervisor.
He had been royally compensated, but was eventually terminated. He finally realized that chasing butterflies and lizards and snoozing in the sun is not the making of a good employee when there is serious spa work to be done.
Since that positi0n didn't come to fruition, Ollie discover another avenue of employment.
While surfing through the Bed, Bath and Beyond online catalog, Ollie discovered . . .
He was so ecstatic when he saw the Ruby Cavalier. "Hey," he exclaimed. "I can do that and I'm a lot better looking. I wonder if I'd get to catch some Zzzzzs on the bed after the photo shoot was done?"
Then he found a mini me look-alike and decided that I should become a model also.
Then he found a mini me look-alike and decided that I should become a model also.
I'm getting too old for that nonsense. My Cafe keeps me busy as well as my 24/7 position as Director of Knowledge Management and Head of Security at home.
I had to make the executive decision for both of us. Ollie and I should continue to be mattress/pillow testers at home. It's a cushy job, no monetary compensation, but our Housekeeping Staff (Marcy and Tom) are generous with an abundance of love and caring, good food (the best is when Dad cooks), great treats, a lot of walks and trips to the beach and parks.