We wish that we could take credit for this poem. We found it online and it expresses our sentiments exactly.
Happy Father's Day to Dada
with Love from Da Boyz
with Love from Da Boyz
You feed us when we’re hungry,
You keep water in our dish,
You let us sleep on anything,
Or in any place we wish.
You sometimes let us lick your hands,
Or even lick your face,
Despite the fact we've licked ourselves,
In every private place.
You taught us how to come when called,
You taught us how to sit,
You always let us go outside,
So we can take a sh... Stroll
You'll always have our loyalty,
Up to the very end,'Cause after all, it's plain to see...
You are a dog's best friend!
We won't be spending the day with him because he's in New York and then on to New Jersey to see his Dad. But since he checks our blog religiously, he's sure to know that we're thinking about him and love him very much.
Ollie and I saved our allowance (or rather I saved my money - Ollie spent his on dog treats ~~ for himself) and got Dad these gifts to help him with his gourmet cooking endeavors. It'll be a surprise for him when he returns home.
Besides being an Epicure,

He's also a savvy upscale shopper . . .
Besides being an Epicure,

He's also a savvy upscale shopper . . .
A Car Aficianado
You made a pawesome post for your Dad!
I am sure he is going to love it!
Happy Father's Day!
Kisses and hugs
What a pawesome poem for your Dad. We hope he has fun with his Dad and hurries home to you.:)
Teddy Bear
I bet your dad and my dad would be great friends...mine likes all those same things! You were very thoughtful to get such beautifully wrapped gifts; I am sure dad will be pleased and surprised when he returns to his belated celebration. We loved the poem, too!
Hey Cappy and Oliver - what a wonderful tribute to your dad! He is a very cool dude - anybody who shops at Tommy Bahama is pawesome in our book!!!!!
We REALLY liked your pictures too! Dad is a very lucky man to have you two. Hey Ollie, you look cute with your tongue hanging out in the first pic!! :O)
Prinnie and the gang!
Did you know that today was "Take Your Dog to Work Day"? I got to go to dad's office this afternoon! Quinn stayed home. Hope you have a marvelous weekend with popsicles and cool breezes.
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