Thursday, November 22, 2012

*Cappy* Thanksgiving

We hope that everyone has an 
abundance of things to be
thankful for this Thanksgiving.

FINALLY, the turkey was done to perfection.

Ollie was a little annoyed because he wasn't positioned at the head of the table.

There was a little seating shuffle 
and I got the  best seat
 which I fully deserve.

Perfect ending to the day . . .
It appears that we could very well be
experiencing  a *Turkey Hangover*.  
Ollie never even made it to the afghan.

Best wishes from both of us and from our 
Housekeeping Staff, Marcy and Tom,
for a very Happy Thanksgiving.


TimberLove said...

Happy thanksgiving mates!!


Lorenza said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Kisses and hugs

White Dog Blog said...

Your day sounds just perfect! The bird was golden delicious and the table sparkled. Know that we are very thankful for your friendship and love! Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!