Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cappy HOWL-O-Ween

Happy Halloween Everyone !   We hope that you all receive lots of doggie treats and 
(non chocolate) goodies.

No costumes this year - not even those candy corn doggie ponchos.  In her zeal to de-clutter the house, Mom forgot where she put them.

Our front porch is ready . . .
. . . and we'll be waiting to bark a greeting to all  the little ghouls, ghosts, 
witches and goblins.
Our best wishes for a safe and Happy Halloween !

We are sending our doggie thoughts and prayers to all the people and animals affected by 
Hurricane Sandy.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cappy for President

It's a little late into the Presidential Race, but after much consideration, I have decided to run for President with Ollie as my running mate for 
Vice Nice President.
We have officially thrown our canine collars 
(with ID of course) into the ring.
Unlike the other candidates, we will not participate in any  Barkfests  a.k.a. Debates.
Unlike the other candidates, we will promise NOTHING.   
(Not even *CappyCare*)
Like the other candidates, we will DO NOTHING.

We’re the Dream Team and if elected,  we will only be eating, snacking, sleeping and barking our way into your hearts.

Also endorsed by:
The Law Offices of Dewey, Cheatam and Howe
The Silver Sunami Group at the Dolittle and Sitmore Retirement Manor

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I'm REALLY thankful that I don't look like this anymore.
Yes, it's ME, Little Cappy. 
 Side View:

These pictures were taken sometime in May 2012 before Mom and Dad left for Europe.  

To make a long story short  - I'll spare everyone the details of Mom hyperventilating and foaming at the mouth.

I went to my usual groomer who had always done a fantastic job in the past.

A plausible explanation was never given as to WHY I was shaved, nor was an apology offered.   Mom refused to pay for that abomination of a haircut. She could only assume that the groomer had overbooked and I was passed over 
to a clueless person-in-training.  

  Mom had reassured me me that it didn't matter what I looked like, I was still the same wonderful little Cappy inside.

I had no idea what the fuss was about. 
. . . but I did get some strange looks at the Dog Park.  Some people actually thought I was a 
(BIG) Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix. 

Now THAT really bothered me.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


That's it !!!  No more traveling for our pawrents unless we get to accompany them on their trips.

Ollie and I agreed  to do *Guard Duty* to ensure that no more suitcases leave from the second story under our watchful eyes.
 Ollie, the sluggard, disappeared for yet ANOTHER water, potty and snack break.

* * * 

Mom had been in Michigan for ten days to see Lauren and the family.  We lucked out on that one 
because we stayed with Dad.  He's fairly conservative, so there was no rendition of Animal House at our house.

Then we delighted in four days at the Dog House Inn while Mom and Dad went to Southern California for another wedding.*
Canopies were added to the outdoor play areas which Ollie and I enjoyed.  We didn't use the pool facilities -- it was too much like taking a voluntary bath. 
While in Southern California, Mom and Dad continued their search for a new home.
Mom (sadly) cancelled the contract on the 

San Clemente house.
  (It was the only house that she would have left the Morgan Hill house for.)  Unfortunately it had severe structural damages on one side and it was recommended by the home inspector that a construction engineer do a more 
thorough evaluation.
So . . . it's back to the drawing board.

* The wedding was absolutely beautiful and was performed by a mutual friend of the couple. A little research was done   and it was discovered that according to California law, anyone can officiate at a wedding if certain requirements are met.  http://offbeatbride.com/2011/12/how-to-have-a-family-member-or-friend-act-as-your-officiant-legally-in-california

Mom stated that if she had known this information previously,  SHE would have 
married Lauren and Dave.   Ollie and I can't even imagine trying to wrap our heads around that idea.