Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cappy HOWL-O-Ween

Happy Halloween Everyone !   We hope that you all receive lots of doggie treats and 
(non chocolate) goodies.

No costumes this year - not even those candy corn doggie ponchos.  In her zeal to de-clutter the house, Mom forgot where she put them.

Our front porch is ready . . .
. . . and we'll be waiting to bark a greeting to all  the little ghouls, ghosts, 
witches and goblins.
Our best wishes for a safe and Happy Halloween !

We are sending our doggie thoughts and prayers to all the people and animals affected by 
Hurricane Sandy.

1 comment:

White Dog Blog said...

You do not need costumes if you lurk by the door and spring up with teeth bared barking like a crazy zombie eater! We have been practice all week on the mailman and we think it will be a hit on the trick-or-treaters! hahahahahaha